Posts Tagged ‘tricks’

I’m not REALLY a jackass, at least I don’t think I am….

October 31, 2008

So I was in Wally-world the other night picking up a few necessities and Halloween candy and noticed they already have the christmas candy, out.  Would I be a totally awful person if I decided to hand out candy canes for Halloween? I’d find it amusing, I mean at least it’s candy.  I will never be the jackass that hands out toothbrushes or raisins to kids seeking their sugar fix from a stranger.  I’m all geeked out for Halloween this Friday.  I have the light up orange and black T shirt to wear while handing out candy to the lil ones, most because the little ones begging for candy will be eye-level with my ass, and the slutty sheriff outfit I will be donning later in the night does not mesh well with bending over to dispense candy.  I’m sure the lil ones want treats, not to be scarred for life. I have the hard cider and pumpkin spice beer in my fridge stocked, I need to find the pumpkin collar I have for the cat, and I will be ready for the evening!

OK this is now a 2 day post cuz it’s Halloween, and I got my 3rd quarter bonus.  I SHOULD think of others and start my Xmas shopping early, instead I purchased a Wii for myself and stocked up on more booze for the evening. Hooray Me!!! Plus I just found out we are getting off work a few hrs early today, HELL YEAH!!!