Getting back on the horse

Or in other words, putting down the wine, turning the music off on my pity party, and throwing myself back into the horror that is commonly known as “dating”.  So last week was tough for me, In addition to not sleeping due to the breakup, school started, which means I am in class 3 nights a week after working for 7.5 hrs, AND one of those nights is a 4hr class. (I wish I was kidding) I tend to be retarded when it comes to retooling my schedule for school.  I make sure I have plenty of time for class and whatnot, but I tend to forget the other key component, which is scheduling time for homework, AND downtime for myself so I don’t feel every second is scheduled and I have no free time. In addition to school, I had made plans for a birthday party, the art walk, and oh, yeah a soccer game. I also decided it would be a brilliant idea to throw an ad up on CL and see what crazies replied.  A couple decent folks wrote back and I met one of them Sat night.  Cute, funny, and although some folks might think its a little soon for me to start dating already, I figured worst case scenario, I got dressed up, had a reason to shower, to get outta the house, and socialize with another adult.  I’m supposed to meet with a different random dude Tuesday after class, we will see how that one goes.

Sunday was a weird day.  It was your typical Portland rainy crapfest, and I just didn’t feel like doing anything.  I did put on my fancy pink burberry print galoshes splashed through a few puddles, hopped in my car and went to the store.  I didn’t really need anything, buying random crap just makes me feel better and baking stuff can’t get me into too much financial trouble when I’m down.  So I bought all the supplies to bake a buncha stuff, but only got motivated enough to bake one crappy batch of cookies, which is sad because baking is usually therapeutic for me, then again so is vodka, perhaps I should stick to that. I was kinda down in general, unmotivated to do anything at all, I didn’t want to be alone, but wasn’t feeling social.  If R were here, it woulda been a come-over-in-your-PJ’s-and-drink-vodka-lemonades-watching-crappy-movies-targeted-to-teens kinda day.

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One Response to “Getting back on the horse”

  1. comfortjunkie Says:

    You forgot “and talking shit about exes.”

    Guess what? The publisher is looking for an author for a PDX book…guess who’s chatting them up about it?

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